Guided Land Based Whale Watch at Loop Head

Join us for a guided land-based watch at Loophead which provides IWDG researchers, whale enthusiasts and citizen scientists alike with a unique overview of whale and dolphin activity on the day. You can play an important part by joining us and watching with us. While there are of course no guarantees of sightings, given reasonable weather you have a good chance of seeing some of the marine species that can be viewed locally.

We advise participants to dress appropriately for the weather conditions on the day. Please note, there are no boats involved and no bookings necessary. There may be a short, elevated walk from the meeting point to your watch site, so sensible footwear is recommended.

This event is suitable for all ages and is aimed at everyone from the novice wildlife enthusiast to more experienced naturalist, with a keen interest in marine wildlife and biological recording.

Venue: Land-based Whale Watch 

Date: 17 August

Time: 12pm – 2pm

Location: Loop Head Lighthouse