Resilient Seas, Resilient Communities: Lessons from Shore to Shore

Áine Purcell-Milton will be joining us all the way from the beautiful Scottish shores to share with us their community-led journey with the goal to protect and restore sea life and sustainable livelihoods around Arran and the Clyde.
It was this mission that led to the creation in 1995 of the co-founded the Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST) and Scotland’s first ever “No-take-zone” and from this their project grown from strength to strength.


There is unlikely to be a blanket approach for management for each area of our coastline as each section has it’s own unique habitats and stakeholders but we wanted to hopefully start and facilitate a conversation by inviting Áine here with us today to share their journey in Lamlash bay and their work with other communities around Scotland COAST  to develop similar proposals and promote sustainable marine management policies that will allow fishing communities to keep their culture and livelihoods for generations to come.


Join us on Zoom at 7PM on Friday the 20th of September,



For more information check out their website below and we hope you can make it!

