Dixie Collins - IWDG
Event Date 15/07/2024 08:35
Duration 15 mins
Location Healy's Island, Near Kilkee, Co. Clare
Reported location 52.65662314655,-9.7290339320898
Platform Headland/spit
Species bottlenose dolphin
Number seen
Min 8
Best 10
Max 12
Group comprised (qty)
Adult 0
Juveniles 2
Calves 0
Notes Travelling in a tight group up coast towards Kilkee direction
Known animals -
Behaviour Travelling
Direction of Travelling North
Sea state Ripples like fish scales. No foam crests.
Swell < 1 m
Wind force 2: Light breeze
Wind direction NE
Glare (°)
Visibility 16-20 km
Cloud cover
Water depth (m)
Precipitation (rain/fog)
Effort Watch No
Optics binoculars
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