
  • Help collect important data on the whales, dolphins, and porpoises in Irish waters
  • Learn marine mammal identification and surveying techniques
  • Assist the crew in all aspects on the trip
  • Explore Ireland’s beautiful and unique coastline
  • Experience an unforgettable sailing experience like no other in Ireland
  • No previous experience required you just need to become a member

Celtic Mist is used to train its members how to survey and record cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) in Irish waters. As an IWDG member, you become a partial owner of Celtic Mist, and at €600 for a week-long survey, we hope you take full advantage of what she has to offer! Anyone can become a member and join us on board for a unique and unforgettable experience.

There are at least 26 cetacean species present in Irish waters, from the harbour porpoise to the largest animal on the planet, the blue whale.

That’s over a quarter of the world’s species of cetaceans. Some species are migratory, like humpback and fin whales off the southwest and south coast, while others are resident year-round. We have such a diverse number of species due to the myriad of marine habitats that occurs in our waters. From sheltered bays and the shallow waters of the continental shelf to deep complex canyon systems and abyssal plains, Irish waters are one of the most important places in Europe for cetaceans.

The Vessel

Celtic Mist was donated to the IWDG in 2011, by the family of Ireland’s  former Taoiseach, Charles J. Haughey. At 17m, Celtic Mist has become IWDG’s flagship vessel, equipped to accommodate eight people. Celtic Mist has surveyed Irish inshore and offshore waters since 2012, successfully circum-navigating Ireland on several occasions, including in 2022. Blue whales were seen on her first offshore survey, and she successfully undertook an expedition to Iceland in search of humpback whales in 2018. Coastal communities are visited during the summer months with members of the public encouraged to visit the yacht to learn about Ireland’s rich marine life while promoting marine conservation. In May 2019 the education programme Floating Classroom begun where pupils undertake unique ocean educational activities and learn about marine mammal surveying both in the classroom and onboard the vessel.

Photo taken by IWDG member Marcus Hogan.

Schedule 2025

We are looking forward to an exciting season sailing along the West Coast of Ireland this summer. Watch this space for more details.

A 1-week survey which includes bed and board is just €600

2024 Schedule – 2025 in planning stage – COMING SOON

In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the Clare coastline. The survey will begin in the Shannon Estuary, home to the Shannon bottlenose dolphin population, before heading north past Loop Head and the incredible Arran Islands. Not only is the scenery along this coast incredible but these waters have an abundance of marine life. Whilst you never know what might pop up in our ocean the area is known as an exceptional place to see bottlenose dolphins, common dolphins, and harbour porpoise. An extremely diverse number of seabird species can also be seen in the area.


In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the west coast, travelling through two areas identified by IWDG and Fair Seas as a candidate Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the Mayo to Shelf Edge and Galway Bay and Islands Areas. Whilst you never know what might pop up in our ocean the area is known as an exceptional place to see bottlenose dolphins, and harbour porpoise. Last year there was also a northward shift of the larger whales, so you may even encounter a humpback whale or two! By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the west coast, travelling through two areas identified by IWDG and Fair Seas as a candidate Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the Mayo to Shelf Edge and Sligo Bay Areas. Whilst you never know what might pop up in our ocean the area is known as an exceptional place to see bottlenose dolphins, and harbour porpoise. Last year there was also a northward shift of the larger whales, so you may even encounter a humpback whale or two! By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the west coast, an area identified by IWDG and Fair Seas as a candidate Marine Protected Area (MPA). The route will be weather dependent, but the flexibility of this trip will allow us to see and cover as much of this area as possible, heading offshore when feasible, and looking out for whales and dolphins along the way. With a high diversity of species in this area you never know what you might spot. It is an important region for bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises. Last year there was also a northward shift of the larger whales, so you may even encounter a humpback whale or two! By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the west coast, travelling through two areas identified by IWDG and Fair Seas as a candidate Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the Mayo to Shelf Edge and Sligo Bay Areas. Whilst you never know what might pop up in our ocean the area is known as an exceptional place to see bottlenose dolphins, and harbour porpoise. Last year there was also a northward shift of the larger whales, so you may even encounter a humpback whale or two! By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the west coast, an area identified by IWDG and Fair Seas as a candidate Marine Protected Area (MPA). The route will be weather dependent, but the flexibility of this trip will allow us to see and cover as much of this area as possible, heading offshore when feasible, and looking out for whales and dolphins along the way. With a high diversity of species in this area you never know what you might spot. It is an important region for bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises. Last year there was also a northward shift of the larger whales, so you may even encounter a humpback whale or two! By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the west coast, travelling through two areas identified by IWDG and Fair Seas as a candidate Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the Mayo to Shelf Edge and Galway Bay and Islands Areas. Whilst you never know what might pop up in our ocean the area is known as an exceptional place to see bottlenose dolphins, and harbour porpoise. Last year there was also a northward shift of the larger whales, so you may even encounter a humpback whale or two! By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the west coast and around the Arran Islands, an area identified by IWDG and Fair Seas as a candidate Marine Protected Area (MPA). Not only is the scenery along this coast incredible but these waters have an abundance of marine life. The route will be weather dependent, but the flexibility of this trip will allow us to see and cover as much of this area as possible, heading offshore when feasible, and looking out for whales and dolphins along the way. Whilst you never know what might pop up in our ocean the area is known as an exceptional place to see bottlenose dolphins, and harbour porpoise. By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the Galway and Clare coastline. Not only is the scenery along this coastline incredible, but these waters have an abundance of marine life. Whilst you never know what might pop up in our ocean the area is known as an exceptional place to see bottlenose dolphins, common dolphins, and harbour porpoise. An extremely diverse number of seabird species can also be seen in the area. By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the Clare and Kerry coastline, an area identified by IWDG and Fair Seas as a candidate Marine Protected Area (MPA). This area is highly biodiverse. Minke whales are spotted here all year round, humpback whales are seen in peak numbers in August (when this survey takes place), and several dolphin species are also spotted in the area. The islands and archipelagos that skirt the peninsulas of Kerry are also some of Ireland’s most prominent seabird breeding sites. By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on in this area important and protected area.



Join us as we sail from Dingle to Bantry exploring the spectacular southwest corner of Ireland. These waters have an abundance of marine life, and whilst you never know what might pop up in our waters, the area is known as an exceptional place to encounter humpback whales, as well as minke whales and Risso’s dolphins. The islands and archipelagos that skirt the peninsulas of Kerry are also some of Ireland’s most prominent seabird breeding sites. The route travels through the Loop Head to Kenmare candidate Marine Protected Area (MPA) identified by IWDG and Fair Seas. By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the southwest coast. The route will be weather dependent, but the flexibility of this trip will allow us to see and cover as much of this area as possible, heading offshore when feasible, and looking out for whales and dolphins along the way. These waters have an abundance of marine life, and whilst you never know what might pop up in our waters. By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on in this area important and protected area.



Join us as we sail from Bantry to Dingle exploring the spectacular southwest corner of Ireland. These waters have an abundance of marine life, and whilst you never know what might pop up in our waters, the area is known as an exceptional place to encounter humpback whales, as well as minke whales and Risso’s dolphins. The islands and archipelagos that skirt the peninsulas of Kerry are also some of Ireland’s most prominent seabird breeding sites. The route travels through the Loop Head to Kenmare candidate Marine Protected Area (MPA) identified by IWDG and Fair Seas. By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on the marine life in this area.



In this survey we will be exploring the waters along the Kerry coastline, an area identified by IWDG and Fair Seas as a candidate Marine Protected Area (MPA) and Ireland’s first and only Hope Spot. The route will be weather dependent, but the flexibility of this trip will allow us to see and cover as much of this area as possible, heading offshore when feasible, and looking out for whales and dolphins along the way. This area is highly biodiverse. Minke whales are spotted here all year round, humpback whales are seen in peak numbers in August (when this survey takes place), and several dolphin species are also spotted in the area. By joining us onboard you will play an integral part in collecting vital data on in this area important and protected area





Celtic Mist has undergone two extensive refits since she became an IWDG vessel. These refits were necessary to prepare her for work in Irish waters when she was originally donated to the group in 2011 and to be ready to sail to Iceland in 2018. Both refits would not have been possible without the voluntary effort of IWDG members.

Maintenance is carried out each winter to ensure that Celtic Mist is seaworthy for her summer sailing schedule. This year they have typically taken place on Thursdays and Saturdays at the Grand Canal Basin in Dublin.

If you wish to help with her winter refit in whatever way you can we would love to hear from you. Maintenance jobs vary greatly from chipping rust to sanding or painting among others. Please get in touch with Fiacc O’Brolchain at fiacc.obrolchain@iwdg.ie if interested.

You can see more about this year’s volunteer call here.

  • Photo Credit: Marcus Hogan

  • IWDG Cruise 2016
    Launch Fenit


  • IWDG Cruise 2016
    Sanctuary Cruise Plan


  • IWDG Sanctuary Cruise 16 Director Brendan Quinn


  • IWDG Sanctuary Cruise 16 Porpoise Survey


  • IWDG Sanctuary Cruise 2016 Dr John Mark


  • IWDG Sanctuary Cruise 2016 Members Outloo


  • IWDG Sanctuary Cruise 2016 (Short Film)


  • Whale Sanctuary Cruise 2016 (Short Film)


  • Charlie Haughey’s old yacht ‘Celtic Mist’ in Dublin for winter refit


  • IWDG Humpback Whale Expedition – Ireland to Iceland 2018 : Call for volunteers


  • Humpback Whale Expedition vessel Celtic Mist off the south coast of Iceland


  • Endangered White-beaked Dolphins filmed in Faxa Bay, Iceland


  • Bottlenose dolphins bow-riding RV Celtic Mist in the Outer Hebrides


  • Humpback Whale fluking in Skjálfandadjúp Basin, Iceland


  • Margins : Paul O’Neil


  • Volunteers wanted for RV Celtic Mist Winter Refit : Jan-April 2019


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