Stephen Riddell - Public
Event Date 15/07/2024 10:15
Duration 0 mins
Location Portstewart, Co. Derry ( 55.1700,-6.7670 )
Reported location 55.19501708185068,-6.6990048695227
Platform Land
Species bottlenose dolphin
Number seen
Min 10
Best 15
Max 20
Group comprised (qty)
Adult 0
Juveniles 0
Calves 0
Notes Images from encounter attached. What were likely to be the same group at the Skerries/Portrush at 11:00am, @ 11:49 8-10 off east side of Ramore, @ 14:00 c10x BND off the Giant's Causeway and back inside the skerries at 15:00. Images here by Stephen Riddell.
Known animals -

Behaviour Feeding
Direction of Travelling N/A
Sea state Flat as a mirror.
Swell n/a
Wind force n/a
Wind direction n/a
Glare (°)
Visibility n/a
Cloud cover 0
Water depth (m)
Precipitation (rain/fog)
Effort Watch No
Optics none
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