Observer Bernie Padden, Tom Breathnach, Niamh Martin, Catherine Meenaghan, Ballyglass RNLI, Agatha Hurst
Event Date 11/01/2025
Location Blacksod Bay , Co. Mayo ( 0.0000,0.0000 )
Reported location 54.194751,-10.005610
Species common dolphin
Notes Initially, small animal was refloated by public at location in report. Was later found by IWDG volunteer (Tom) struggling at 54.189615, -10.013003. A second animal was then found 200 m south, in better condition. Ballyglass RNLI was contacted and reloacted two animals deeper into the bay. Both animals were adults, indicating that the smaller juvenile was not accounted for, and the event actually included three animals. Two adults (one male, other unknown gender), and one juvenile (unknown gender).
Known animals -

Photo by Bernie Padden

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