Cian Ó Nialáin

Irish Language Officer

As Baile Uí Bheacháin i gContae an Chláir atá mé; Oibrím i bPluais na hAille Buí mar threoraí turais;
Táim sa 3ú bliain ag déanamh staidéir ar Chumarsáid & Gaeilge in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe.

Spéis mhór agam sa domhan nádúrtha agus ról an duine daonna ina chaomhnú. Bhí ceangal ann riamh idir muintir na nGael agus an timpeallacht – ná caillimis é!

I’m am from Ballyvaughan County Clare. I work part time as a tour guide at Aillwee Cave.
I am in 3rd year @ University of Galway studying Cumarsáid & Gaeilge (media studies through Irish).

I have a great interest in the natural world and our role in preserving it. The Irish language is closely linked to the natural world and great respect and admiration was given to nature in the past. It is a distinct and important feature of the language which is why I’m proud that the IWDG has decided to include it in their work.

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