Irish Guidelines
MMO course

This course is aimed at current or future Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs). While JNCC (UK) accreditation is required in Ireland to work as an MMO, Irish guidelines differ in many ways to the JNCC. This has led to confusion over the past few years, with MMOs sometimes implementing the wrong guidelines or not fully understanding them. To overcome this, the IWDG has developed an online course detailing Irish guidelines, so that participants are informed of the differences and can apply the correct guidelines to an Irish context.

The course is operated online and is a lecture-based format, with short multiple choice online tests, followed by a feedback form (which is a requirement to completing the course).

The cost of the course, including accreditation:
€50 to IWDG members
€100 to non members

The IWDG has obtained funding from the EPA to set up this course. For more information and to sign up, please email

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