IWDG Reporting App Support

Welcome to our Mobile Reporting app. We hope that you find it easy to use. We’ve added some FAQ’s that might help clarify some elements. Thank you for taking part in the IWDG recording schemes.

Frequently Asked Questions

IWDG is delighted to have people with a little biological recording experience, free time, own transport and good optics, to support the Constant Effort Sighting Scheme, by carrying out regular timed watches at a local headland or vantage point, in all seasons. This is one of the best ways of supporting cetacean conservation in Irish waters. For more details email sightings@iwdg.ie

Known Issues

The app gives you the option of creating a subsequent stranding when your first report is complete and for ease, some of the common details are saved. Although some details will be the same, you do need to make sure that all the new information has been entered, otherwise, it keeps the details from the previous report.

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