Yearly Archives: 2005

Whale watch operator Colin Barnes contacted IWDG today from nine miles south of the Stags, West Cork, to report the 1st sighting of the year of this humpback who has returned to the area in each of the past five years. The humpback was 1st photo-identified on the 29th Aug 2001 and has now been

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A northern bottlenose whale appeared in Ringaskiddy, Cork harbour this afternoon. The animal appeared weak and disoriented and spent much of the afternoon in the area close to the docked Cork-Swansea ferry.

The Department of Marine have recently issued a marine notice for all operators and skippers of recreational craft on guidelines for correct procedures when encountering whales and dolphins in Irish coastal waters. This Notice arises from a meeting the IWDG had with the Department and the National Parks and Wildlife service to discuss regulation of

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We are delighted to report that Whale Watch Ireland 2005 was a big success, attracting in excess of 1,275 people to 10 headlands throughout the four provinces. As per table 1. below cetaceans were observed at 80% of watch sites, confirming our opinion, that Irish waters offer among the best land based whale watching in

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There has been a lot of dolphin activity reported to the IWDG in the past 72 hours, from inshore waters along the East coast. On validation of these sightings, it is clear that these are bottlenose dolphins. On the July 12th Louise McAlavey of EHS & IWDG reported a pod of c10 bottlenose dolphins from

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Blessed with light winds, calm seas and blue skies, this 2nd weekend whale watching course on Cape Clear Island was always going to produce good results. Fri. 8th: the Ferry from Baltimore across to Cape produced the 1st sightings as we had good views of c3 Harbour porpoise in Roaringwater Bay. Fri. 8th: 1st land

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On Thursday evening, July 7th, whale watch operator Colin Barnes reported to the IWDG an unusual sighting for West Cork, of a large group of bottlenose dolphins off Ardfield. On receiving the report IWDG Co-ordinator, Pádraig Whooley headed out to the Ardfield signal tower and was surprised with the sheer numbers of bottlenose dolphins that

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Conservationists at the International Whaling Commission’s annual meeting won a hollow victory in Ulsan, Korea, this week. While pro-whaling initiatives failed to gain support from the member nations, Japan may nevertheless increase its research whaling a