All-Ireland Whale Watch Day, “Whale-Watch Ireland 2015”

The arrival of minke whales and a host of other whale and dolphin species along Irish coast seems like a good omen for All Island whale watch day on Sunday 23rd August. Members of the public are invited to join the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) on one of 20 land-based whale watches being held at headlands around the Irish coast between 2:00-5:00 pm.

The purpose of whale watch day is to raise awareness of the 24 species of cetaceans (porpoises, dolphins and whales) that have been recorded in Irish waters, by giving members of the public an opportunity to observe some of these wonderful marine mammals in their natural environment. This event also provides IWDG researchers with a unique snapshot of whale and dolphin activity around the entire Irish coast. By taking part in this event you are supporting whale and dolphin conservation in Ireland.

This annual, all-island event, organized by the IWDG in association with Inis Cologne, is free and open to all. All watches are land-based and will be led by experienced IWDG personnel, who will show you how to observe and identify some of the more commonly observed cetacean species seen in Irish waters.

You should bring binoculars or a spotting scope and dress appropriately for outdoor conditions. There are no boat trips involved, and there are of course no guarantees that you will see whales or dolphins during your particular event. Please contact your local organizer for further details (see below) or visit the IWDG website for the latest information on whale and dolphin sightings and strandings in Irish waters.

Whale Watch Ireland, will once again be part of Heritage Week, coordinated by the Heritage Council

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Full event details below:

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By Pádraig Whooley, IWDG Sightings Officer
