Big Minke whale Day on the Irish Sea Thurs. 24/05/07

With good weather predicted on the 3-day forcast for last Thursday, it was time to utilise our new flexible booking arrangement with Irish Ferries and book in a return trip to Holyhead.

A quick glance at the forecast again on Wednesday night left me worried as Met Eireann predicted Force 5-6! Luckily they got it wrong and as I arrived on the bridge of the MV Ulysses, the sea to the east was calm.

Sea state of 2-3 was the order of the day for the outbound leg of the journey, with slightly rougher force 3-4 on the return.

My efforts were rewarded by sightings of no less than 12 minke whales, 7-8 of them in a big feeding aggregation about half-way to Holyhead. Even west Cork would be hard pressed to put on such a show in one day!

Also sighted were 13 harbour porpoise with group sizes ranging from 1 to 4 animals. Overall a very good trip, rewarding our targeting of good weather and reminding me that the Irish Sea can put on a good show when she wants to.

Still no dolphins on the central Irish Sea, so…Roll on June!

Dave Wall

IWDG Ships Co-ordinator
