Cetacean Identification and Recording Workshop

Cetacean Identification and Recording Workshop

Sunday 24 June 2007

Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Centre, Kilrush, Co Clare

The aim of this workshop is to introduce people to the identification and recording of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoise) in Irish waters. The workshop will include field identification of cetaceans at sea and from remains washed up on shore including skull characteristics. A DVD, which includes footage of cetaceans filmed in Irish waters, will also be used as an identification aid. Finally we will discuss how to record cetaceans and the validation procedure for accepting records.

A large collection of skulls, bones and other interesting cetacean remains are displayed at the Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Centre where the workshop will be delivered.


10:00 Introduction to course and cetaceans in Irish waters

11:00 Coffee

11:30 How to whalewatch and species identification.

13:00 Lunch (bring your own or get from Kilrush)

Depending on weather

14:00 Travel to Loop Head and Kilcredaun Head to carry out cetacean watches

17:00 Close of Workshop

Please bring binoculars and telescope (if you have one) and any interesting bones, skulls and other treasures you have found washed on the shore !!

Cost of course is €25 per person for IWDG members and €40 for non-members.

For more details contact Simon Berrow on 086 8545450 or email simon.berrow@iwdg.ie
