Welfare Workshop: What to do with stranded marine mammals, turtles and oiled seabirds

Date: Saturday 10 May 2008, 10:00 – 16:00

Venue: Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Galway

A workshop is being organized to bring together people interested in stranded animals to review current knowledge and best practice on what to do when faced with such an event. From this workshop we will produce a practical manual on best practice for people faced with stranded animals together with a list of people/organizations with resources and experience to help. It will be a one-day workshop, which will include presentations on marine mammals, seals, otters, turtles and seabirds (oil spill response). In the afternoon there will be practical sessions.

Why do we need a Workshop: to establish a first response network on the west coast of Ireland and primarily County Galway comprising official bodies (vets, Local authorities, Gardai, National Parks and Wildlife Service Conservation Rangers, third-level institutes, Government bodies (Marine Institute, ISPCA) and NGOs (IWDG, ISS) and volunteers. The workshop is primarily aimed at people who are most likely to be contacted or involved (response key people) in a mammal stranding or oil spill incident, and hopes to encourage a higher level of coordination and pre-planning. ALL WELCOME

Course content: The first measure, in the case of live animal, is to avoid unnecessary distress to the animal (and public), to induce further treatment or rehabilitation, or in the case of mortalities to ensure maximum use for scientific purpose (sampling, recording, necropsy) and finally initiate disposal of carcass. Safety and health precautions, for people involved and the general public and legalities, with respect to the Wildlife Act and other relevant legislation.

Irish Manual: The proposed Irish Manual will include:

i) Response to marine mammal incidents including whale and dolphins, seals, otters and turtles, birds, particularly oil spills.

ii) Handling

iii) First aid, safety, relevant contacts, in case of live animal

iv) Information of scientific procedures for data retrieval and monitoring

v) All relevant contacts listed.

General aim: that at the end of the workshop, each participant (ideally at least one from above mentioned organizations and representative of the islands) has a good idea what to do in case of an emergency, including handling of media and public, and will be armed with a manual and a comprehensive (and hopefully) regularly updated list of phone numbers, contact and e-mail addresses and websites (for further information and communication if wanted or needed) as well as having met lots of nice people, made useful contacts and generally had a good time.

Confirmed Speakers:

Simon Berrow (Irish Whale and Dolphin Group), Irish Seal Sanctuary, Tom Doyle (UCC)

Costs: €25 for the day (Discount for IWDG members)

Contact: Sabine Springer, Carrowgarriff, Kinvara, Co. Galway

email: croden@iol.ie (subject; Sabine MMW)

Phone 091 637 621 or 086 81 95 32 4

There will be an informal meeting of speakers and participants on Friday evening in the Bodkin Bar, Dublin Road, opposite Merlin Park besides Galway Crystal factory, at 8 pm
