Posts Categorized: Events

Notable speaker, Rasmus Sloth Pederson, will be discussing cetaceans in Irish Waters – Evolution, Ecology and How and Where to See and Hear Them. Rasmus, who hails from Denmark, is an expert in whales and marine bio-acoustics, which he has researched and taught for many years. All are welcome. Time: 8 pm Venue: Upstairs in

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Notable speaker, Rasmus Sloth Pederson, will be discussing cetaceans in Irish Waters – Evolution, Ecology and How and Where to See and Hear Them. Rasmus, who hails from Denmark, is an expert in whales and marine bio-acoustics, which he has researched and taught for many years. All are welcome. Time: 8 pm Venue: Upstairs in

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The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) will run a Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) course in Cork at the Maldron hotel on January 14, 2017.  On Sunday the 15th a Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Protected Species Observer (PSO) course is proposed to be held at the same venue.

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