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While dissecting a pygmy right whale at The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa, scientists there discovered that the creature possessed ribs unlike those of any other whale.

The IWDG workshop on what to do with stranded marine mammals, turtles and oiled seabirds held at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway was a great success. The workshop sought to bring together people working in the field with those often contacted about such incidents to review procedures, best practice and start creating a better

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Some people are betting at mixing than others, and research shows that dolphins are just the same. Research into bottlenose dolphin behaviour in Cardigan Bay has confirmed that they too have individuals who are social brokers par excellence!

Some people are betting at mixing than others, and research shows that dolphins are just the same. Research into bottlenose dolphin behaviour in Cardigan Bay has confirmed that they too have individuals who are social brokers par excellence!