Posts Categorized: News

A hungry dolphin headed up the Delaware River and into the Schuylkill before a dam near the Philadelphia Art Museum forced it to turn around.

Kevin Rudd has selected Labor mate Sandy Hollway to be Australia’s first whaling envoy, ending a desperate five-month search for someone willing to confront Japan over its whale slaughter.

Policy and Recommendations from Cetacean Acoustics, Surveying and Tracking (PReCAST) is a partnership between the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) and the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT). This three-year project (2008-2011) aims to provide robust scientific data to support conservation policy and provide guidance to state agencies in implementing national and international obligations and

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Report II: 30/04/08 The latest reports from Kerry observers, Nick Massett and Jill Crosher tell us that basking sharks can now be seen off Slea Head. These are the 1st Kerry basking shark Cetorhinus maximus records of 2008. It is interesting that the county order in which they were reported this year was as follows:

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When whales beach themselves, they can die simply from the crushing weight of their own bodies or from overheating due to their blubber, which is needed for insulation in cold ocean waters. What causes these often fatal incidents?