Posts Categorized: News

WHALE and dolphin watchers are puzzled and alarmed at an unprecedented spike in the number of deep-water species being stranded and found dead on Irish beaches in the last 14 weeks.

As numbers have risen, there is now serious concern as to what has caused the unprecedented increase in beaked and pilot whale strandings on the Irish and UK coast. The principle species involved are Cuvier’s beaked whales Ziphius cavirostris, pilot whales Globicephala melas and Sowerby’s beaked whales Mesoplodon bidens. Between 1 January and 17 April

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Who has “won” the battle between the Japanese whalers and the environmentalists who set out to disrupt their hunt? BBC

Commercial and sport fishing destabilizes fish populations by targeting the biggest, oldest fish and leaving younger fish to proliferate too wildly, US researchers said on Wednesday.