Posts Categorized: News

IWDG have received a sequence of images of a killer whale pod traveling west off the Mizen on Sat 5th April at 14:30. The sighting was made by Michelle Curran and Liam O’ Shea who observed and photographed the group which comprised at least 3, possibly 4 individuals travelling westwards within a few hundred meters

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Andrew Malcolm reports on a watch off Ram Head 8th April There are those days when driving to Ardmore to do an effort watch I get that buzz of anticipation, when I know I’m just going to see cetaceans galore. There is neither rhyme nor reason for it; it’s totally a gut feeling. Today was

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Most of our monthly Effort Watches for April from throughout all Irish waters have been carried out by our regular watch teams. These regular montly watches in our inshore waters form a central plank of our monitoring commitment to NPWS under ISCOPE II. These watches provide an important “baseline” which are essential in establishing key

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Survey Ended: 2008 Blue Whiting Survey Area: Rockall Trough Agency: Fisheries Science Services, Marine Institute Ship: R.V. Celtic Explorer Observer: Dave Wall ______________________________________ Date: 15 April 2008 Woke this morning as the ship arrived off St. John’s Point, Donegal Bay. No cetaceans sighted in the bay, though a few seals were seen in the channel

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Survey Ended: 2008 Blue Whiting Survey Area: Rockall Trough Agency: Fisheries Science Services, Marine Institute Ship: R.V. Celtic Explorer Observer: Dave Wall ______________________________________ Date: 15 April 2008 Woke this morning as the ship arrived off St. John’s Point, Donegal Bay. No cetaceans sighted in the bay, though a few seals were seen in the channel

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