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Anti-whaling protesters threw bottles containing a pungent chemical at a Japanese whaling ship in a skirmish near Antarctica on Monday, injuring three of the crew, Japan’s Fisheries Agency said.

deadly combination of climate change, over-fishing and pollution could cause the collapse of commercial fish stocks worldwide within decades, said Achim Steiner, head of the United Nations Environment Programme.

Report II The Leatherback turtle was brought down to UCD 25/02/08 where a post mortem examination was carried out. Dr Tom Doyle, UCC reports that it was a male, measuring 152 cm (curved carapace length). ” …It had a major head wound (part of skull was missing but healed over see photo) which may have

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The IWDG fin whale catalogue now contains 41 recognisable individuals and is available in the sightings page by clicking “photo-ID” option, and selecting from the drop down window.

This weekend’s monthly ferry survey on Rosslare-Pembroke route on Irish Ferries vessel the Isle of Inishmore produced the years first Basking Shark record. IWDG members Conor Ryan & Sean Ronayne reported the sighting at 10.10 am, at a distance of c.20M from their port side, as the vessel was travelling at 21 knots….” It was

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