Posts Categorized: News

Christmas wishes

A short message on behalf of the IWDG to wish ye all Seasons Greetings and to thank you for your support in 2007. It has been another busy and successful year for the group.

A controversial Japanese mission to hunt humpback whales in the Antarctic has been temporarily abandoned, a top government official says. However 935 minke and 50 fin whales still to be killed as part of Japan’s whaling programme in the Antarctic.

A controversial Japanese mission to hunt humpback whales in the Antarctic has been temporarily abandoned, a top government official says. However 935 minke and 50 fin whales still to be killed as part of Japan’s whaling programme in the Antarctic.

Christmas wishes

A short message on behalf of the IWDG to wish ye all Seasons Greetings and to thank you for your support in 2007. It has been another busy and successful year for the group.

Fin whales now off Co. Wexford

Fin whale Update III: 22/12/07 At least two fin whales observed by Andrew Malcolm on Sat 22nd Dec during an effort watch off Ram Head, Ardmore, Co. Waterford. Whales were well east of Ram Head. So the Waterford area is still likely to be your best opportunity to observe large whales over the Christmas holiday

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EU countries struck a deal for 2008 catch quotas on Wednesday, watering down the European fisheries chief’s proposals for the preservation of species whose stocks are floundering at precariously low levels.

Remains found in the Kashmir region of India suggest a fox-sized mammal is the long-sought land-based ancestor of whales, dolphins and porpoises. BBC

The European Commission has proposed that a “European Maritime Day” be celebrated annually throughout the European Union on 20 May. This initiative is linked to the new Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU, proposed by the Commission in October […] The aim of European Maritime Day will be to highlight the whole web of relationships

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Parts of Cardigan Bay may be off limits for oil and gas exploration because of a school of bottlenose dolphins, according to the UK Government. BBC