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DEFRA Video: The film shows minke whales being hunted by Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean. One whale is shot at six times and hit through the tail with a harpoon with an explosive grenade head. (warning video contains distressing footage).

DEFRA Video: The film shows minke whales being hunted by Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean. One whale is shot at six times and hit through the tail with a harpoon with an explosive grenade head. (warning video contains distressing footage).

Parts of Cardigan Bay may be off limits for oil and gas exploration because of a school of bottlenose dolphins, according to the UK Government. BBC

The European Commission has proposed that a “European Maritime Day” be celebrated annually throughout the European Union on 20 May. This initiative is linked to the new Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU, proposed by the Commission in October […] The aim of European Maritime Day will be to highlight the whole web of relationships

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Remains found in the Kashmir region of India suggest a fox-sized mammal is the long-sought land-based ancestor of whales, dolphins and porpoises. BBC

EU countries struck a deal for 2008 catch quotas on Wednesday, watering down the European fisheries chief’s proposals for the preservation of species whose stocks are floundering at precariously low levels.

Japan has apparently agreed not to kill humpback whales during its current Antarctic hunt, the US ambassador to Tokyo said on Wednesday. Planet Ark

Australia will send a patrol ship and aircraft to monitor Japan’s whaling fleet off Antarctica, the government in Canberra has said. BBC

Following a meeting with the EU Fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg in Strasbourg in July 2007, Marine Connection and The Wildlife Trusts met with International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) on December 11 to present the findings of the South

A post mortem examination is to take place on a young humpback whale which was found off the coast of south Wales. BBC