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Report 9: 21/11/07 Colin Barnes reports the fin whales still very close inshore in Toe Head area today, with a minimum of 4 fin whales and 6+ minkes. His observations suggest they are not feeding, although there are still large aggregations of seabirds in the area. Report 8: 18/11/07 Despite inclement weather, Colin Barnes reports

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Report III, 20/11/07 Wouter Jan Strietman reports that the Irish/Dutch Juvenile Humpback whale has been very active today in the Ijmuiden area of the North Sea. For the very latest images of this young and highly mobile whale, Click Here (click once for a larger version, then click once again to get an even larger

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On a short watch from Ram Head this afternoon, a Risso’s dolphin was seen, bringing to 6 the species spotted from this location in the last fortnight

Biologists and villagers in a remote corner of the Amazon rainforest were searching for a 12-tonne whale yesterday that had reportedly lost its way and become stranded 1,000 miles from the ocean.

During the austral summer of 2007/08, hunting of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales will recommence after almost half a century of protection. The stated rationale for this hunt, by the Government of Japan, is to gather important scientific information f

It had been almost five months since we had seen any large whales from our Ram Head vantage spot. The briefly gained kudos of having seen the first fin whales of the season on the 20th May 2007 had long faded from our memories. Since then, as usual Cork seemed to be getting all the

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Following on from the media interest the humpback whale story, IWDG members in Northern Ireland have become screen stars too with recent coverage of cetacean action in Portrush.