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A young humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae was observed on 28th Sept. 2007 off Co. Cork, Ireland. The same humpback whale was observed off the Netherlands in early May 2007 making this the first time the movement of a humpback whale has been tracked within European waters. Pádraig Whooley, Sightings Co-ordinator of the Irish Whale and

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Regular “effort watches” off the Irish South coast in the past few days show that the fin whale activity appears to be concentrated off West Cork. Over the past few days both land and boat based effort watches in the waters around Galley Head, Rosscarbery and Clonakilty Bay have consistently produced multiple sightings of fin

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Regular “effort watches” off the Irish South coast in the past few days show that the fin whale activity appears to be concentrated off West Cork. Over the past few days both land and boat based effort watches in the waters around Galley Head, Rosscarbery and Clonakilty Bay have consistently produced multiple sightings of fin

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During the survey 127hrs of survey effort was logged, with 66% of this in sea state 3 or less (not bad for October!). 115 sightings of nine cetacean species and one seal species were recorded, totalling 2,427 animals. Species recorded were: harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), Risso’s dolphin

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During the survey 127hrs of survey effort was logged, with 66% of this in sea state 3 or less (not bad for October!). 115 sightings of nine cetacean species and one seal species were recorded, totalling 2,427 animals. Species recorded were: harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), Risso’s dolphin

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Report II: 22th Oct Colin Barnes reports between 15-20 fin whales just Southwest of Galley Head, West Cork during a Whale Watch trip on board the MV Holly Jo on 19th October. But as Dave Wall’s report from the RV Celtic Explorer shows, fin whales are also occuring in other areas such as off the

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Report II: 22th Oct Colin Barnes reports between 15-20 fin whales just Southwest of Galley Head, West Cork during a Whale Watch trip on board the MV Holly Jo on 19th October. But as Dave Wall’s report from the RV Celtic Explorer shows, fin whales are also occuring in other areas such as off the

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Dave Wall, IWDG, who has joined the Marine Institute’s 2007 Southwest Herring Acoustic Survey on the R.V. Celtic Explorer, reports daily on the latest offshore sightings.

Dave Wall, IWDG, who has joined the Marine Institute’s 2007 Southwest Herring Acoustic Survey on the R.V. Celtic Explorer, reports daily on the latest offshore sightings.