Posts Categorized: News

The endangered right whale is to get extra protection after a safe haven from shipping was set aside off Nova Scotia in Canada. EU Commission

The endangered right whale is to get extra protection after a safe haven from shipping was set aside off Nova Scotia in Canada. EU Commission

With the recent sighting of a group of bottlenose dolphins in Broadhaven Bay, Co Mayo, the IWDG have been accused of inactivity with respect to the Corrib Gas issue. Some of this criticism was personal and will be ignored as the IWDG will not engage at this level, but we wish to clarify IWDG involvement

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With the recent sighting of a group of bottlenose dolphins in Broadhaven Bay, Co Mayo, the IWDG have been accused of inactivity with respect to the Corrib Gas issue. Some of this criticism was personal and will be ignored as the IWDG will not engage at this level, but we wish to clarify IWDG involvement

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There was a good mix of people from divers to yachts people and also members of the IWDG. 27 people attended and had a lot of information thrown at them on identifification, distribution, ecology, and conservation. Some is sure to stick! Despite good sea conditions, though a little misty, no cetaceans were seen from Howth

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There was a good mix of people from divers to yachts people and also members of the IWDG. 27 people attended and had a lot of information thrown at them on identifification, distribution, ecology, and conservation. Some is sure to stick! Despite good sea conditions, though a little misty, no cetaceans were seen from Howth

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The Blasket Islands are a candidate Special Area of Conservation for harbour porpoises – one of only two designated in Ireland. The IWDG and GMIT successfully tended to carry out a survey on behalf of the National Pasrks and Wildlife Service. the survey aimed to derive an abundance estimate and carry out acoustic monitoring using

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Two striped dolphins, an adult female and calf, live stranded in Tramore, Co. Waterford today (16 Sep). The calf, which had remained in the water unfortunately died. The adult female, which was assumed to be it’s mother, was stranded on the beach but was refloated with the help of the RNLI, Tramore Cliff Rescue, Waterford

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