Posts Categorized: News

In the past few days sea-watchers have been enjoying some great cetacean observations from several sites along the Dingle Peninsula area. Locations that may be worthy of some “watch effort” are the Slea Head (statue area), Clogher Head and the Blasket Sound. Sightings from the Valentia Island area, suggest this activity may be quite widespread.

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Pet owners who flush used cat litter down the lavatory may be responsible for the deaths of whales, dolphins and porpoises around Britain’s coast, according to academics and public health experts.

An improvement in the weather which has blighted Summer 2007, was the excuse we needed to book a place with Colin Barnes on the MV Holly Jo on Wed 22nd Aug to continue our Fin whale photo ID study. It turned out to be a good move. As you are by now aware, we’ve been

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IWDG have been advised that for the foreseeable future there is no public access to Galley Head lighthouse.

The IWDG ran their 3rd and last in the summer series of weekend courses on Cape Clear Is. We cheated the weather again, as thankfully the worst of the awful weather fell on Fri. night and Sat. was much improved, although still very windy. Unfortunately, with poor weather on the Friday and a really pessimistic

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GMIT in collaboration with the Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation have recently advertised a MSc on “Acoustic techniques for the conservation management of inshore dolphin populations”. We propose to carry out research to provide essential information for the conservation management of bottlenose dolphins in the Shannon estuary, which contains a resident population supporting an eco-tourism

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A common dolphin live stranded on Old Head beach near Louisburgh this morning. It was attended by Eoin McGreal of the National Parks and Wildlife Serrvice, Brian Moran and Mike O’Sullivan of the Irish Coastguard Westport unit and Crossmolina vet Siobhan O Malley. Efforts to refloat the dolphin did not suceed due to its weakened

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