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Report VII: 16th Aug Another 4-5 fin whales observed this afternoon this time further west of Galley than in previous days, in the area c5 miles south of Glandore. “Scar” once again seen among them. . Report VI: 15th Aug Colin Barnes has just reported a minimum of four Fin whales, comprising two groups of

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IWDG wish to extend a huge thanks you to all watch leaders, volunteers and of course Inis Cologne & Failte Ireland for sponsoring and supporting this years event. Summary below.

Update II 3/08/07 A report from John Crowley suggests that this humpback whale, “Boomerang” has moved west towards the Tramore area. On on 1st August it was observed at 16:30 between the Metal man and Brownstown Head. Alarmingly, there is some evidence that the whale has been getting some “rough treatment” by small craft owners.

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New mitigation measures to protect marine mammals during acoustic seafloor surveys in Irish waters came into force last week. These measures “Code of Practice for the protection of marine mammals during acoustic seafloor surveys within Irish waters” were developed through extensive consultation with interested parties including the IWDG, CMRC, Petroleum Affairs Division and the industry.

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Warm settled weather, made for a successful weekend course on Cape, even if the beasts were few and far between.

Update II :9 July Unfortunately the IWDG received a report on Saturday (7th July) of a stranded basking shark at Drom East, Cloghane, Co. Kerry. The c.5m female shark, had stranded the previous day in fresh condition and was almost completely entangled in monofilament netting. Drom East is quite close to Brandon Point where the

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