Posts Categorized: News

The IWDG have received the first confirmed report of minke whales in 2007, with two seen west of the Old Head of Kinsale, Co. Cork, 25th March by Shane Egan. Although reported as “probables”, their length (12-30ft), the absence of either a visible blow or “tail-fluking” strongly suggests these were indeed Ireland’s smallest and most

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Bookings are now being taken for the IWDG whale-watching weekend which takes place on Tory Island on 11th – 13th May 2007. This will be our 4th year running a whale-watching weekend on the Island and in the past we have seen bottlenose, Risso’s dolphins, harbour porpoise and basking sharks. Participants should ideally arrive on

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From the 3rd March to the 17th March 2007, there have been five separate stranding incidents reported to the IWDG in Co. Kerry. On the 3rd of March, a 2.41m pilot whale (Globicephala melas) was reported from Fahamore, in Brandon Bay. This was followed by a 2.35m bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in Waterville on the

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Cambodia’s rare Mekong dolphin is making a tentative comeback from the edge of extinction after net fishing was banned in its main habitat, Cambodian and World Wildlife Fund officials said on Wednesday.

Japan has abandoned whale hunting in the Antarctic for this season after its main whaling ship was crippled by a fire two weeks ago, the Fisheries Agency said on Wednesday.

The cetacean sighting and stranding schemes are the backbone of the IWDG and we have been co-ordinating both on an All-Ireland basis since 1991. It is important that all records in a database are validated thus ensuring the quality of the data. All stranding records submitted to the IWDG are validated and an annual list

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A Japanese whaling ship, stranded for 10 days off the Antarctic coast after a fire, no longer posed a danger to wildlife but was staying in the frigid Southern Ocean, New Zealand rescue officials said on Monday.