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Activists withdrew a threat to ram a Japanese whaling fleet in the frigid Southern Ocean on Tuesday, while in Tokyo pro-whaling nations met to push for a return to commercial fishing of the giant creatures.

Japanese technology to track and monitor the behaviour of India’s endangered Ganges River Dolphins using underwater acoustics will play a vital role in efforts to conserve the freshwater mammals, the WWF-India said.

Ever wanted to get great views of Harbour Porpoise even without binoculars? For hour after hour after hour? Then make the trip to Blackhead, Co. Antrim.

Update II 9/02/07 IWDG observer Andrew Malcolm reports that a two hour effort watch off Ardmore, Co. Waterford on 9/02/07 has produced another three fin whales between Ram Head and Capel Island. These fin whales have now been seen regularly in this area for over a month, and several of these have been photo-identified by

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A Japanese whaling ship joined in the search for two anti-whaling activists who went missing during a confrontation in icy seas off Antarctica. BBC

Japan is trying to prevent the deaths of critically endangered gray whales after one was found caught in a fishing net last month, a senior fisheries official said on Thursday.

An anti-whaling group searching Antarctic waters for a Japanese whaling fleet with the aim of disrupting its operations said both its vessels will soon be “pirate ships” following a decision by Britain to deregister one its vessels.

Britain set out on Wednesday to recruit more anti-whaling nations to join the International Whaling Commission and head off a drive by Japan to resume commercial hunting of cetaceans.

Availing of the continuing weather window, the IWDG headed out again on Mon 29th Jan joining a research project by BIM, and found common dolphins and fin whales a plenty. The aim of the fieldwork was to continue trials on acoustic deterrents known as “pingers” on common dolphins. They are being developed by Irish Sea

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