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EU countries are not doing enough to save Europe’s deep-water fish, exotic but threatened species that are fast becoming an alternative to overcaught mainstays such as cod and hake, the EU executive said on Monday.

Japan has called a special meeting of members of an international whaling group next month to help lift a global moratorium on hunting of whales, but several countries opposed to the practice may boycott the assembly.

International environmental group Greenpeace will set sail from New Zealand on Friday to again confront Japanese whaling ships in the Southern Ocean, kicking off its 2007 anti-whaling campaign.

During two days at sea in the waters off Ardmore and Youghal we had nine Fin whale encounters of upwards of 7-8 animals. Several of whom were photo-identified. Day 1: 25th Jan 07 Despite the lively sea, it took Skipper Colin Barnes just four hours to motor across from Reen Pier, Union Hall in West

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Update IV 25/01/2007 The IWDG had a successful day attempting to locate and photograph fin whales off east Cork/west Waterford today. Despite choppy seas this morning a fin whale was located and good images obtained for photo-identification. Padraig Whooley did not recognise the whale as one of the ones photographed off West Cork but a

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IWDG have now received three reports from seperate sites, 24th Jan, of what are most likely fin whales off the Waterford coast. See article below for updates. This augurs well for the week’s research cruises.

The Pentagon on Tuesday exempted the Navy for two years from a law protecting whales so it may continue using military sonar while working on a long-term plan to comply with environmental regulations.

Illegal fishing has depleted global stocks of tuna and governments need to take bold action to save some critically endangered species, the WWF conservation group said on Monday as a conference on the topic opened in Japan.