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Arriving at Ram Head at 10.15 this morning 10/01/07, I spotted my first whale of the day within 10 minutes. From the height of the blow alone, I immediately identified this animal as a fin whale, and a large one at that. However, due to the 2metre swell, I was unable to catch sight of

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Climate change is disturbing the food supply of the harbour porpoise, one of Britain’s sea mammals, research shows. BBC

Generally thought of as pretty dull in their repertoire of behaviour there have been some recent observations of Porpoise putting on a show that have livened whale watches up north.

Freezing cold at Ram Head, Ardmore, Co. Waterford on Saturday 6th January, with sea state close to a 4, wind a 4 too, swell 1mtr+, viz. 11-15km. Initially found 3 Harbour porpoises close in (less than 1km)…nothing then for an hour, lots of bird activity though, but no cetaceans. Then Ann thought she saw something,

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The resumption of commercial whale hunts in Iceland could prompt consumer boycotts of the island nation’s companies abroad, Baugur Group, owner of British and Nordic retailers, said on Thursday.

We’ve just received the 1st cetacean sighting of 2007 which was made by David Dyland while angling off the Rocks at Howth Head, Co. Dublin on 3rd Jan. And what a start to the year, as he and a friend counted between 20-30 harbour poropises between Balscadden and the Ben of Howth. Length, dorsal fin

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Protecting marine areas for even relatively brief periods can significantly restore depleted fish stocks, scientists said on Monday, citing a study of octopus catches in Madagascar.

Chinese scientists will continue to search for a rare freshwater dolphin unique to the Yangtze River, although it is possibly extinct after a 38-day search failed to find any, Xinhua news agency said on Sunday.

Pathologists have concluded the dismembered remains of a dolphin found in Cumbria are probably those of the bottlenose known as “Marra”. BBC