Posts Categorized: News

The world’s tallest man has saved two dolphins by using his long arms to reach into their stomachs and pull out dangerous plastic shards. Divernet

Experts are trying to decide on the best way to dispose of a 43ft dead sperm whale washed up on a Moray beach. BBC

The United Nations today launched International Year of the Dolphin, 2007 in Bonn, Germany. In a campaign which will involve Governments, conservation organisations and the private sector this new initiative to save dolphins across the globe comes at a ti

Scientists who spent nearly a month in a fruitless search for a Chinese river dolphin that is more endangered than the Giant Panda say there may be no more than 50 left alive, the Xinhua news agency said on Saturday.

Atlantic bluefin tuna, the fish prized by sushi lovers, are headed for extinction in the Mediterranean because governments failed to set rigorous conservation standards, environmentalists said on Monday.

A minke whale, one of the few whale species known to occur off the coast of Cornwall, was found dead on Porthcothan beach on Saturday. Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s Marine Strandings Network received a call from a member of the public on the strandings hotli

UN negotiators failed to agree on Thursday on a measure banning a fishing practice known as high-seas bottom trawling that environmentalists say chews up the ocean floor and depletes fish stocks.