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EU fisheries ministers thrashed out a deal on Tuesday setting quotas for deep-water fish, exotic but threatened species that are fast becoming an alternative to overcaught mainstays such as cod and hake, officials said.

An RAF search and rescue crew has captured rare footage of a pod of deep diving whales while training over the Moray Firth. [The Irish Air Corps provide similar sightings to the IWDG under the

A dolphin that lives along the west coast of Taiwan is declining to dangerously low numbers because of over-fishing and pollution, local environmental researchers said on Monday.

The badly-decomposed body of a 50ft (15m) [Fin – Ed] whale washed up on a Sussex beach will be removed at low tide on Friday. BBC

The IWDG presentation “Everything you wanted to know about whales and dolphins in Sligo but were afraid to ask” by Simon Berrow on Tuesday 14 November at 8pm is now available on the internet.

About 40 whales died on a New Zealand beach after swimming too close to shore but beachside residents were able to save about 40 others, Australian media reported on Friday.

A Sowerby’s Beaked Whale stranded at Inishcrone, Kilalla Bay, Co Sligo on 12th November. Reported by IWDG member Neil Gilroy, the whale was initially thought to be a Cuviers beaked whale, the most frequently stranded on the family Ziphiiae, but on closer inspection single tooth, measuring 20-30mm in each lower jaw, were found to be

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