Posts Categorized: News

East Antrim comes alive

Things have been a bit quiet around here for some time. Ok, Harbour Porpoise are still on the scene (although even these tend to head off presumably to birthing/breeding grounds through spring and early summer) but lovely as they are you can only get excited so much by them. It was getting to the point

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Ten Greenpeace activists were arrested in St. Kitts and Nevis on Tuesday after they tried to plant cardboard whale tails on a beach to protest the slaughter of whales while an international whaling group was meeting.

Conservation groups on Monday called on governments to redouble their efforts to save endangered whales after pro-whaling nations led by Japan won a majority at an international whaling meeting for the first time in more than 20 years.

Environmental group Greenpeace launched a campaign on Thursday aiming to persuade governments to declare 40 percent of the Mediterranean Sea marine reserves where fishing would be banned.

Greenland asked an international whaling body on Saturday to examine whether it could extend whaling by its Inuit hunters to endangered humpbacks and bowheads, alarming environmentalists.

Japan suffered a resounding defeat on Friday at the International Whaling Commission, calming fears among conservationists that it might finally win enough support in the world body to start attacking a ban on whaling.

The Japanese public no longer likes eating whale meat and Tokyo’s argument that whaling should be maintained to meet consumer demand is a fabrication, a conservationist group said on Tuesday.