Posts Categorized: News

A seven-metre long humpback whale has been freed by Royal Navy divers from creel fishing lines near Applecross, Wester Ross, Scotland. BBC

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) have recently learnt that NATO intend to use a range of active sonar systems during their forthcoming training exercise Steadfast Jaguar in the Cape Verde Islands. There has been considerable concern over the impact of Low Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) on cetaceans from marine mammal experts from around

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Governments worldwide have failed to prevent overfishing in the oceans, where a proliferation of bottom-trawling threatens to wipe out deep sea species, conservation groups WWF and Traffic said on Friday.

A team of scientists from Scotland is proposing to carry out experiments on killer whales in the wild in order to study their reaction to sound. BBC

The final report of the recent IWDG expedition to Cape Verde is now available. The second IWDG humpback whale expedition to Cape Verde recorded 36 sightings or encounters of seven species, during the 1200 nautical miles surveyed. Most sightings were of humpback whales but six species of odontocetes were also recorded. Most sightings of humpback

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A new 6 meter research vessel has been delivered to the IWDG. The XS 600 Deluxe Rib (Ridgid Inflatable Boat) was imported from Barnett Marine in the UK and has been specified to a high level by IWDG. The Rib has been equipped with depth sounder, VHF radio, compass and GPS. Other eqipment include radar

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Bottlenose dolphins have been seen regularly off Roche’s Point in the mouth of Cork harbour. There are around eight dolphins that have been sighted regularly for the past 4-5 weeks. IWDG member Conor Ryan states “Every time I have gone out, they have been around without fail, usually quite close to shore and putting on

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