Posts Categorized: News

Environmentalists in Japan are claiming a rare victory after five key private companies quit the whaling business following a pressure campaign. BBC<

Tests of blood and urine, sampling of stomach contents and checks for damage caused by sonar have all left scientists puzzled by a mass stranding of whales off the North Carolina Coast last year.

A tiny island nation in the Pacific Ocean has created the world’s third-largest marine reserve, as global efforts to preserve biodiversity widen to include everything from insects to fish to forests.

A lethal algal bloom dubbed “Red Tide” by scientists caused a mysterious mass die-off of sea turtles on the Pacific shores of El Salvador, a US conservation group said on Friday. “A ‘Red Tide’ event that occurred off the coast of El Salvador late last year directly caused the deaths of some 200 sea turtles,”

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As I write this final update we are moored alongside the small, single pontoon in Mindelo on Sao Vicente. This is where we picked up RV Adrianna, our research vessel and home for the last 4 weeks, and it is here that we end our adventure. Over the final 4 days we have been searching

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God made the great whales for the fun of it, according to the Bible, and for myself this remains the best reason to go chasing after them across the Ocean. On the other hand fun comes in all sorts of guises, even down to that patient and seemingly endless accumulation of facts, so beloved of

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The United Nations should protect the world’s oceans from deep sea fishing and pollution in the same way as environmentally sensitive land, the lobby group Greenpeace said on Tuesday.

After three flights and a long days travelling, Fiacc O’Brolchain, Liam Lysaght, Jim Wilson and myself had finally arrived in the Cape Verde islands! As the mid-term crew change for the IWDG humpback whale expedition, our eagerness to get here had kept us going for the day and we even managed to keep our spirits

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