Posts Categorized: News

Success at last…… God knows how many years it took though, and having seen everything else one could possibly see in the sea, these two species have eluded me in Irish waters…. At about 10:45am I picked up a large concentration of gannets, SE off Hook Head, feeding intensively offshore. There were about 200 or

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It does look like the large baleen whales, notably fin whales, have now left the Irish south coast, but there are plenty of other whale watching opportunities for those prepared to put in the effort. Despite the settled, dry weather over the past few weeks, the easterly airflow brought us quite choppy seas and poor

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Around 1,500 seal pups were swept out to sea and drowned by a tidal surge off Canada’s east coast this week after a lack of ice cover meant their mothers were forced to give birth on a small island, environment officials said on Friday.

Ten dead Irrawaddy dolphins have been found in Cambodia’s Mekong River, eight of them calves, pushing one of the rarest cetaceans nearer extinction, the environmental group WWF International said on Friday.

Praise for the IWDG!

Following the publication of the recent IWDG newsletter, the IWDG have received generous praise and accolades about its work. But who are the IWDG? Faith Wilson is the Editor of IWDG News. This is its 26th edition since it was first produced in December 1990, on formation of the IWDG. This edition was greatly assisted

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Marine experts are winding down a monitoring operation, after reports a dolphin returned to a Cumbrian harbour from where it had earlier been rescued. BBC

Greenpeace activists will shift their focus to protest against pirate fishing off Africa’s west coast following two months battling Japanese whalers, the group said on Wednesday.