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Dozens of stranded pilot whales have been shot dead in New Zealand to end their suffering when it was ruled too difficult to get them back in the sea. BBC

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) was established in December 1990 and is an All-Ireland group “dedicated to the conservation and better understanding of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in Irish waters through study, education and interpretation” In December 1999, the IWDG was granted charitable status (CHY 11163) by the Revenue Commission and became

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Australia should send a navy ship to monitor a Japanese whaling fleet in the Southern Ocean, Australia’s minority Greens party said on Friday, as the Japanese ships kept trying to fend off Greenpeace protesters.

A Japanese whaling fleet and Greenpeace environmental activists are involved in a stand-off in the remote Southern Ocean near the coast of Antarctica with the two sides accusing each other of ramming their vessels.

EU ministers struck a deal early on Thursday over maximum 2006 catches, restricting the days trawlers can spend at sea to try to prevent species like cod from collapsing following years of overfishing.

EU fisheries ministers crossed swords on Wednesday over next year’s permitted catches, trying to win the best deal for national fleets while preventing species like cod from collapsing after years of chronic overfishing.

More than 100 pilot whales stranded on a beach at the top of New Zealand’s South Island were refloated by volunteers on Wednesday and conservation officials in boats herded the mammals out to sea.

Despite an international moratorium Norway plans to increase its whale hunt in 2006 to the highest level in more than two decades, killing 1,052 minke whales. This will be achieved by expanding operations into North Atlantic international waters.

Europe’s fisheries chief made a first gesture on Tuesday towards a deal on next year’s permitted EU catches, offering slightly more generous volumes for species whose numbers are dangerously low after years of overfishing.