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New search facilities including the ability to map strandings and explore land-based effort watch data are now available. You can now look at a map and find a headland near you, click on the headland and bring up all data on that location. At each site there is a picture and description about access and

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EU member states must do more to protect their dolphins, whales and porpoises from dangers like pollution and illegal fishing or face legal action, the European Commission said on Tuesday.

Construction of an oil platform in a Shell-led project off Eastern Russia disrupted feeding by rare Western Pacific grey whales in recent months, two environmental lobby groups said on Wednesday.

A humpback whale freed by divers from a tangle of crab trap lines near the Farallon Islands nudged its rescuers and flapped around in what marine experts said was a rare and remarkable encounter.

The European Union’s highest court ruled on Thursday Ireland broke EU fishery laws some six years ago by not giving proper data on stocks and numbers of fish caught by its national fleet.

A dead female harbour porpoise found entangled in illegally set nets in St. Austell Bay on 4th December. Officers from the Environment Agency seized over 1.5 km of nets and were dismayed to find the snared mammal.

The prow of his pirogue slicing through the glistening waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Maketdiaye makes his way back to shore to sell his catch – 10 small black tuna fish. He has spent seven hours at sea, searching the exhausted waters off the West African