Posts Categorized: News

WWF have launched the second International Smart Gear Competition this week. Intended to inspire and reward innovative ideas to reduce bycatch, the competition invites entries from all over the world. The Competition will award a $25,000 grand prize and

A pygmy sperm whale, one of the rarest cetacean species recorded in Ireland, has been found washed up in Ballyheigue, Co Kerry. The whale was found by Cliona McGuire and her children Mary-Kate (8), Joshua (5) and Eli (2) on 22 November. Clionas sister Sinead Hussey went to take photographs on 23 November and informed

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The UN General Assembly urged governments and fisheries management groups on Monday to take urgent steps to protect endangered sea turtles and sea birds from an indiscriminate fishing technique.

It looks like the inshore movement of large baleen whales may be building up a head of steam along the Irish south coast. Land based effort watches by Andrew Malcolm from Ram Head, Ardmore, Co. Waterford produced a range of 5-8 fin whales on both Sun & Mon., 27th & 28th Nov. Some whales were

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Increased naval military manoeuvres and submarine sonars in the world’s oceans are threatening dolphins, whales and porpoises that depend on sound to survive, a United Nations report said on Wednesday.