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A third pilot whale in less than a week has been reported this Sunday 13th November stranded along the south coast, this time in Wexford. IWDG Director Kevin “Mac” McCormick has just reported a pilot whale in poor condition at Carne, Co Wexford. Any strandings, with images, should be reported to IWDG immediately to establish

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The report from John Kilcullen, Enniscrone, was of a medium sized whale that is most likely to be one of the rarely seen beaked whales. This unusual event was also mentioned on northwest radio and was passed on to the coast guard who issued a navigation alert. At 12:30 on 3rd Nov. the whale was

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Some of the world’s last Pacific right whales will get special protections in the Bering Sea to boost the animals’ chances of avoiding extinction, the National Marine Fisheries Service said on Tuesday.