Posts Categorized: News

British Divers Marine Life Rescue – UK Cetáceos – Portugal Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit – Scotland Project Jonah – New Zealand

Wildlife workers in Cornwall are concerned about the future of a group of rare bottle-nosed dolphins after one was found dead on a beach. BBC

Twenty adult female sperm whales have been found washed up on a remote Australian beach but wildlife officials on Tuesday were unable to explain the third such mass stranding in the same area in a month.

A swift ascent from deep water may be just as dangerous for whales as it is for humans, Science magazine reports. Full Story

The European Commission abandoned plans on Tuesday to close off fishing areas in 2005 for severely depleted species such as cod, in the face of bitter opposition from EU governments such as Britain and France.

The 25 fisheries ministers of the European Union have rejected a plan to close areas of the North Sea to cod fishing. And for the fifth year running they have ignored scientists’ pleas to stop cod fishing in the North Sea entirely, instead allowing a catc

A lone whale with a voice unlike any other has been wandering the Pacific for the past 12 years. Marine biologist Mary Ann Daher of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, US, and her colleagues used signals recorded by the US navy’s submar

Fin whales off Wexford

On 12th Dec. Dave Wall reported two fin whales between Baginbun Head and Hook Head. On 13th Dec. another fin whale approached within meters of the Celtic Explorer, south of the Keeragh Islands, Nr. Ballyteige Bay. On both occasions minkes whales were in close association with the fin whales. Given that this whale activity is

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