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More than 100 whales and dolphins died in two separate beachings in 24 hours on remote Australian islands, leaving rescuers on Monday struggling to steer survivors out to sea and prevent more strandings.

Please note that the same animals may be numbered differently because fluke and dorsal shots could not be linked. Therefore we have a definate 4 animals based on fluke ID. HB1: Note: Classic hump & white spot in curve of dorsal fin. HB1: Note: Classic hump & white spot in curve of dorsal fin. This

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Whale watchers on a pelagic from West Cork on 8th Nov 2004 were treated to some world class watching. Best estimate was 30+ fin whales, c5 humpback whales and 4+ minke whales. All humpback whales were photo identified and will be added to the IWDG

Global warming and disappearing sea ice in the Southern Ocean are causing food shortages that could threaten Antarctic whales, seals and penguins, scientists said.

Dr Peter Tyndall, BIM reports that fin whales are still being observed during tuna trials in an area NW of Clare Island, Co. Mayo. They were 1st observed in the area on

Shell Ireland E&P Ltd, and its partners Statoil Exploration and Marathon International Petroleum Hibernia’s proposed Corrib gas terminal was granted permission for construction by An Bord Pleanála in late October.

On Wednesday the 27 around six in the evening a common dolphin was found on washed asore on the beach at Allihies, Co. Cork. The night was very stormy and the dolphin was still alive and trashing about.

The world’s whales, porpoises and dolphins have no standing to sue President Bush over the U.S. Navy’s use of sonar equipment that harms marine mammals, a federal appeals court ruled yesterday.

IWDG received an interesting account of an attack by two killer whales on a group of blue fin tuna about 7 miles north of Fanad Head, Loughswilly, Co. Donegal, on 20th Oct 2004. The attack, reported by Adrain Molloy of Tuna charters was observed by all on board. The remains of the giant tuna were

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