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Whalers should strive to limit the suffering of the giant sea mammals they kill, says the International Whaling Commission (IWC), in a resolution hailed as a victory for animal welfare.

The International Whaling Commission (IWC), struggling to heal a rift between hunters and conservationists, edged toward agreeing on new rules yesterday that could allow a return to commercial whaling.

Anti-whaling countries have held sway for more than two decades at International Whaling Commission meetings but new members could change that yesterday, delighting hunters and disgusting conservationists.

Six new countries have joined the International Whaling Commission, most of whom are expected to back the pro-hunting countries prompting accusations by conservationists of vote-buying.

Japan lost the first battle in a war to turn back years of anti-hunting agreements at the International Whaling Commission yesterday when countries rejected its motion to hold votes in secret.

Whales and dolphins are not depleting the world’s fish stocks despite the sea mammals’ enormous appetites, according to a scientific study unveiled at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) conference yesterday.

Never mind saving the whale. As opposed camps of hunters and conservationists gather for a meeting of the International Whaling Commission, some are wondering if the deadlocked body itself is worth saving.