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On 14th April the Derry Journal reported that wildlife enthusiasts in the city have recently been enjoying sightings of two porpoises in the Foyle. They follow in the “fluke-prints” of Dopey Dick” the celebrity killer whale that spent three days in Derry

On Wednesday 14th of April, at 1.30pm, a call was received from the Exploris Aquarium in Portaferry, saying that a porpoise was stranded on mudflats, near Killinchy on Strangford lough, Co. Down.

This specimen came ashore again on 9th April, several miles east of its original stranding. After a week at sea its body condition has deteriorated and is now closer to Kilmore Quay. A tissue sample has been taken and its skull removed; both measures wi

The exceptionally calm conditions over the Easter weekend produced some nice sightings from both the north and south coasts. Among these were the 1st basking shark record of 2004 from Galley Head, Co. Cork on 11th April.

As strandings of beaked whales are rare events, and we know so little about the distribution and ecology of these rarely seen animals, we’d ask you to keep your eyes peeled and let us know if you come across any washed up cetaceans in the Wexford area. The onshore winds over the weekend may well

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Hundreds of mourners have poured onto a beach in Vietnam to pay their respects to a dead whale that was washed up. Full Story

Scientists believe they may have solved one of the mysteries of how humpback whales successfully hunt – and their findings may help beat cancer in human beings. Full Story

A meeting of the EU Fisheries Ministers this week agreed on regulations aimed at reducing the level of byactach in certain EU Fisheries. The meeting, held on the 22/23 March agreed a compromise proposal for a regulation aimed at tackling the problem of small cetacean bycatch. The IWDG is still reviewing the agreed texts but

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Experts are examining samples taken from the body of a sperm whale which died after becoming stranded on the Lincolnshire coast. Full Story

A post-mortem examination has so far failed to find out why a 36-foot whale died off the Lincolnshire coast. Full Story