Posts Categorized: News

Rescuers have postponed efforts to free a 15-ton beached whale from a sand bank off the Lincolnshire coast. Full Story

Rescuers have failed in their latest attempt to rescue a 36-feet-long whale stranded off the Lincolnshire coast. Full Story

New Zealand is aiming to use satellite tagging to try to save Maui’s dolphins, the world’s most endangered marine mammal. Full Story

We had a live stranding this afternoon March 1st 2004 on Rosslare Strand – a common dolphin mother and calf pair got caught out in the tide and marooned. [Pictures below!] The Lifeboat, coastguard and NPWS scrambled and I arrived on scene at 5.15pm to find two very distressed animals. While my initial plan was

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Upwards of 50 common dolphins have spent the last three weeks in the Waterford Estuary, close to the Ballyhack/Passage East car ferry. They have remained in this area and have ventured further inland, on occasions going upriver as far as Cheekpoint. This wonderful event was captured on film by RTE and local photographers on February

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