Posts Categorized: News

Two campaign groups are joining forces to try to help the thousands of marine mammals killed annually in UK, French & Irish waters. Full Story

Live Stranding Course

BDMLR are providing a live stranding course at Portrush Countryside Centre, Co Antrim on 24th October, 2004. Contact:

The IWDG office no. 023-31911 will be unattended from 11th Jan-Feb. 9th. 2004. If you have any queries that can wait, you might hold them till then. If you need to speak to someone regarding IWDG whale-watching courses or ISCOPE training days, contact

ISCOPE Training Day

A training day designed to help people identify and record cetaceans stranded on the coast or sighted in Irish waters will take place on 3 July in Kilrush, Co. Clare. Identification of stranded animals through skull characteristics and other features will be demonstrated together with how to sex and record strandings. The identification of cetaceans

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Day 1. Dec 27th Billy Colfer sends the 1st report of this episode of whale activity, with 5 large whales close inshore at Hook Head, Co. Wexford Day 2. Dec 28th Report by Killian Mullarney. Concerning the whales off Hook Head on Sunday 28th Dec 03. I’m afraid I didn’t manage to get any very

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Seasons Greetings!

The Committee and Directors of the IWDG wish all our Members and Website Visitors a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year!

Norway extended a marine conservation area around a chain of Arctic islands last week, shutting out any future mining or oil and gas drilling to protect local sea life including polar bears, seals and fish.