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It was enough to make folks wonder whether celebrity whale Keiko had moved from the northwest coast down to Oslo: Thursday morning brought the first sightings of an orca in the inner Oslo Fjord in several years.

People who develop complex networks, like the World Wide Web or electricity grids, could learn a lot from the social behavior of dolphins, a New Zealand zoologist has found.

Officials will wait until Tuesday morning to bury a 40-foot male Baird’s Beaked whale that washed ashore at Ocean Beach near Kirkham Street in San Francisco Sunday afternoon.

A cargo plane arrived in the lawless Solomon Islands Monday to pick up wild dolphins captured to order for a Mexican syndicate in what activists have blasted as an environmental crime, regional media reported.

The latest whale pictures from the Irish Air Corps CASA Patrol Aircraft shows a sperm whale surfacing some 300km off the Donegal Coast. The WhaleLog project is a joint research project between the Irish Air Corps and the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group.

Killer whale advocates believe time is running out for Luna, an orphaned killer whale stranded in Canada’s Nootka Sound. Experts think Luna will wind up dead or in an aquarium, unless he’s immediately reunited with his pod.