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Fisherman Sean Tracey was working aboard the Connie M when the big sperm whale surfaced and settled in next to the boat. The 50-foot whale rested against the 42-foot fishing boat while three smaller whales picked black cod off the longline gear.

It has been 10 years since Maldives declared dolphin and whale as protect marine mammals. Under the fisheries law, the species were protected as they are important to the economy and ecosystem. There are 21 types of whales and dolphin in Maldives’ waters.

New species of underwater life, including a giant sea spider and armoured shrimps, have been discovered by a expedition trawling in deep water northwest of New Zealand. Full Story

“At some point we are confident we will overturn the [whaling] moratorium. It is becoming a reality,” said Joji Morishita, a member of Japan’s huge delegation to the annual morality play that the International Whaling Commission’s (IWC) meetings have beco

It is a sight to take the breath away, and one that draws awe-inspired tourists to Victoria’s southwest coast each winter. Full Story

Sea Change for Whales

Whaling conservationists, who have long battled with Iceland and Japan, win a big round in Berlin Full Story

A 23-year-old humpback whale that had been entangled in fishing gear some 30 miles offshore from Portsmouth was freed Tuesday by rescuers from the Center for Coastal Studies (CCS) based in Provincetown, Mass.

A juvenile gray whale has been sighted several miles up the Skagit River – just south of the Samish River, where there was a similar adventure late last week.