Posts Categorized: News

Another of the world’s rarest dolphins has been found dead on Auckland’s west coast. The New Zealand Maui dolphin, previously known as Hector’s dolphin, was taken to Massey University for an autopsy.

New Caledonia wants to set up a sanctuary for whales in its exclusive economic zone as part of a South Pacific regional initiative to protect the mammals, the French Pacific territory’s government said Thursday.

Niue is expected to announce it will formally declare its entire Exclusive Economic Zone as a whale sanctuary. Full Story

WDCS, together with Renate Künast, the Federal Minister of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture, Germany have launched “The Best Whale Watching in Europe” a new, comprehensive guide to whale and dolphin watching in European waters. [Report Downloadab

Scotland’s coastal wildlife is one of the country’s fastest growing tourist attractions and could help some communities counter losses from the downturn in fishing, it has been reported.

Overfishing, coastal sprawl, pollution and invasive species threaten the oceans off America, according to a report released this week that called for a new federal agency to manage the country’s troubled waters.

A naturally occurring, but deadly, toxin produced by sea algae is killing record numbers of dolphins and sea lions along sections of California’s southern coast, the state’s wildlife agency said.

One more tune!

Unlike the poor old schooner in the photo, we sailed safely from Sal to Mindelo on April 25th. Here Mac left us and our CC2CV expedition had its work done. With Tony still aboard, and George and Mary-Emma, we had to decide our course of action.. But that trade wind whistling round the Cape Verdes,

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